December 21, 2014

There’s been a great response to the announcement of the ARC list for The In-Betweener. I confess that I’m usually super conservative with ARC lists. I keep the numbers super small and the distribution limited. But the response has been so good that I’ve decided that it’s no fun to have a restricted list. Why…

December 17, 2014

Yes, it’s that time already! Advanced Review Copies! The In-Betweener is at the editor and I’m looking to publish in January…probably late in the month…so I’m opening the list for ARC readers. Expect to see the book two weeks before publication and I’ll email everyone when the review capability is up, so you won’t have…

December 9, 2014

My latest newsletter is out and it’s chockerblock filled with news. Including the opening of the ARC (Advanced Review Copy) lists for The Powers That Be, the new collection of stories by the same authors that brought you WOOL Gathering. Here’s the cover…lovely, ain’t it? If you want an ARC, the spots are LIMITED but…

November 14, 2014

Oh yes, that is exactly what it looks like. A new book cover! I know, total surprise. It was a surprise to me, too. Honestly, I don’t know how it happened. Magic? What’s it about? Well, zombies, but not really. It’s really Emily’s story. It’s not a hack and slash. Though there is a measure…
