October 4, 2014

Yankari has been out for almost a week and has great reviews, so thank you to those who took the time to write one! I appreciate it hugely. Now, I wonder, what’s up in the future for the Talking Earth universe. Originally, I wrote Yankari as a simple short story for an anthology for charity….

September 28, 2014

Just one day (plus 4 hours, but I’m not counting) are left until Yankari (in ebook format) is out!  Because the paperback is available and is live, reviews can be left for it now. All those who have ARCs can go ahead and leave them on Amazon using the paperback link here. Goodreads also has…

September 24, 2014

I posted this on Facebook but forgot to post it here! My story, PePr, Inc., is in The Robot Chronicles. I got some really nice emails about the story and heard about a cool site to make quickie covers and images right about the same time. So…voila…here is my ten minute “cover” for PePr, Inc….

September 21, 2014

Yankari is available for pre-order! And I’ve got it at $0.99, too! It will release on the 29th of September so if you pre-order, you should wake up to it shining and bright on your kindle. How cool is that? I’ve also approved the print version, so hopefully it will be all linked up by…
