April 11, 2015

Yep, you read that title right. I’ve put The In-Betweener free for a couple of days! Aside from my perma-free (Silo 49: Going Dark), I almost never do free days. I think the last time was well over a year ago, but I decided to just go for it. If you want to read this…

October 4, 2014

Yankari has been out for almost a week and has great reviews, so thank you to those who took the time to write one! I appreciate it hugely. Now, I wonder, what’s up in the future for the Talking Earth universe. Originally, I wrote Yankari as a simple short story for an anthology for charity….

September 21, 2014

Yankari is available for pre-order! And I’ve got it at $0.99, too! It will release on the 29th of September so if you pre-order, you should wake up to it shining and bright on your kindle. How cool is that? I’ve also approved the print version, so hopefully it will be all linked up by…

August 15, 2014

Heather Duff…of Random Redheaded Ramblings…did an interview on me that has just gone live on her site. For those who may not be familiar with Heather, she’s an avid book reviewer and reader in the UK, who crosses genres and loves books. She’s also got a great personality and her reviews are often as entertaining…
