The Robot Chronicles is Out!

It’s true! It’s true! The Robot Chronicles has been released!

For those who may have missed the earlier announcement about my being in this collection: Surprise! ::cackles:: This collection includes stories from some of the most amazing writers in the world of modern science fiction. Hugh Howey has become a household name even for those who don’t read science fiction, but don’t miss Matthew Mather, Michael Bunker, Edward W. Robertson and Jason Gurley, all names known within the genre for inventive and absolutely unique work.

Lest I leave you thinking the rest are chicken scratch, let me disabuse you of any such notion straight away. Wes Davies and David Adams are brilliant! We were all a part of popular WOOL Gathering Charity Anthology and many of my readers from Silo 49 will probably be very familiar with their WOOL based fiction. Both of them have a growing catalog of original works. The same goes for Patrice Fitzgerald, who many of you will know from her Karma series, set in the WOOL universe.

Samuel Peralta comes from the world of poetry. It turns out he can write science fiction that plays on the heart and mind like a first-chair violinist. Nina Croft has written a wide range of works to include some naughty ones (don’t worry, her story is awesome and not naughty). And not to forget Endi Webb, A.J. Meeks and Deirdre Gould, all three of which have a way with words and write both inventive and classic SciFi.

And then there is me. Yes, little old me. I’m in it as well.

I’m pretty excited about this collection and as a reader, I couldn’t put it down. If you’ve read it, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just don’t crush me and tell me that mine was the only one you hated. Just kidding…no, not really kidding.

In other news…

I’ve been invited into the Pennsylvania anthology. Even though I swore off fan-fiction, I couldn’t resist the temptation for this one. For the three people in the universe who haven’t read the Pennsylvania series, here is the Omnibus:

My story, titled Sedge, is a rather intimate story (no, not that way!) that was inspired by the way people who don’t want to fight…who have no desire for war…can wind up in the middle of it just because they exist. I rather like it.

Any Pennsylvania fans out there, I’m looking for a few people very familiar with the original work to read my offering and see what they think.

And finally:

What’s going on with Strikers? How did the release go, you ask? (Or not, but I’ll tell you.)

Well, I was unfortunate enough to have released Strikers on the same day that Amazon rolled out Kindle Unlimited…surprise! The glitches and mania associated with that pretty much tanked the normal expectations for release. ::shrugs:: There’s not much I can do.

On the upside, Strikers is in Kindle Unlimited (accidentally) so those who have enrolled in that can read Strikers for free, which is good. Now, I just need a hand in getting the book out in front of people. If you’re feeling generous, posting a link to Strikers on your social media might be helpful. Or just recommending it to friends. I’m happy for any of that. And, books don’t degrade or go past their sell-by date, so time is not my enemy. I’m patient.

Till next time everyone, Happy Reading!

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