Strikers Betas are Sent, ARC Spots Still Available

Last night I sent out the Beta reader copies of Strikers! Yippee!

I’ll make a small confession since it’s just you and me here. The very minute I send out the beta copies of an upcoming book, I become absolutely convinced the entire book is dreck, fit only for lining birdcages. Alas, I’m not alone in my fear! It seems it’s a fairly common feeling among authors. Until I hear from the first beta readers, I’ll probably have really bad hair from constantly grabbing my head.

The nice thing is that I’m done with Strikers until the editor and the beta readers get back to me. So, I can leave it alone and let it stew while I do lots of other things to keep my mind off of it. I’m never so productive as I am during this waiting period. It’s a funny thing.

So, what am I up to? Well, I just finished up a short story for a very-soon-to-be-announced anthology that I can’t yet reveal. I really, really like the story concept and I can only hope I carried it out the way it should be done. I’m still not clear on what we’ll be doing for ARCs, but I know there are a lot of fans of many of the authors involved (not necessarily me, but others) who will want it. I’ll do my best to get those for readers when the time comes. Super talented collection of authors and again, just like Synchronic, I have no idea how I got in.

There are still some ARC spots available for Strikers that aren’t reserved for publicity use. If you’d like one, give me a holler!



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